The Council for Geoscience (CGS) is the custodian and curator of all geotechnical information in South Africa, and acts as the national advisory authority in respect of geohazards related to infrastructure development. Part of its mandate is to provide advice on geohazards information to ensure that adequate geotechnical assessments and investigations are performed prior to the development of housing and/or infrastructure.
Over the last few years, the CGS has deliberately kept geotechnical assessment prices low, however due to escalations experienced in operating costs and associated exogenous factors, a review of the current pricing of CGS products and services has been indispensable. This review is applicable to geohazards services, which will see an increase of 10% effective 1 June 2024. The price increase will be reviewed annually in line with the consumer price index. The pricelist can be accessed at: https://www.geoscience.org.za/cgs/systems/publications/data-catalogue/ under the geohazards section from page 184.
Furthermore, the CGS wishes to express its heartfelt gratitude to all its stakeholders and loyal customers for their continued trust and support in its services. For further information and assistance contact Jonathan Msweli at jmsweli@geoscience.org.za
For media enquiries, please contact Mahlatse Mononela, Manager: Communication & Stakeholder Relations, on email: mmononela@geoscience.org.za Mobile: 067 426 1417.
The CGS is legislatively mandated to provide professional and technical advice on infrastructure development, especially in dolomitic terrains. This mandate was expanded with the Geoscience Amendment Act (No. 16 of 2010) to encompass assessments and reviews of all infrastructure development in areas deemed susceptible to geohazards broadly.