The Council for Geoscience is pioneering a national mapping programme known as the Integrated and Multidisciplinary Geoscience Mapping Programme, which has national strategic importance in support of government initiatives such as the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 the Exploration Strategy, the Economy and Employment, Economic Infrastructure and the Inclusive Rural Economy focus areas, which seek to eradicate poverty and to promote the creation of employment and energy security, including the green economy and mining. Scientific operations at the Council for Geoscience are executed through two portfolios: Integrated Geoscience Development and Geoscientific Services supported by other units. These two portfolios are composed of various units or departments with specialised disciplines. A brief description of the operations in the two scientific portfolios is presented below.
- Geoscience for mineral and energy resources
- Onshore and offshore geoscience research.
- Modelling geological environments and mineralising systems for mineral and energy resources.
- Geoscience for infrastructure and land use
- Geotechnical mapping, seismic studies and vulnerability investigations (sinkholes, mine subsidence and seismic hazard assessments, coastal erosion and landslides).
- Optimisation of land use (food security, geoheritage and geotourism, physical infrastructure).
- Geoscience for health, groundwater and the environment
- Environmental and hydrogeological baseline mapping and research (monitoring and mitigating the impact of geology and mining activities on health and the environment) (Mine water management, etc.).
- Hydrological research and modelling.
- Geoscience innovation
- Novel research resulting in IP registration (artificial intelligence application in the geosciences).
- Cultivating geoscientific innovation and novelty.
- Geoscience diplomacy
- International geoscience policy and governance and national geoscience collaboration.
- OAGS Secretariat role.